I have a week off work starting at 3:00 o'clock this afternoon (YAY!!!) so I can go flower MAD next week!!! Is it sad that I find this so exciting?????
Friday, 29 June 2007
I'm in love!
Thursday, 28 June 2007
Another Vanilla Contender (or two)
Unfortunately I don't think it's keep ability was quite up to scratch; I thought perhaps it was a tad dry the next day, but the finished product looked pretty cute! The Hungry workmates seems pretty happy with the results though (as were monkey one and monekey two) so it is still a contender!
Right now it's in stiff competition with this little fella (below) which has boiling water and vinegar in the recipe (yep I'm trying all sorts).
It's also an egg white no yolk recipe, which definitely makes for a lighter texture in the finished product, but I felt that it lacked a little in the flavour stakes. (These two cupcakes sparked a very longwinded discussion around taste versus texture on the Flickr website... and the general concensus seems to be add more vanilla/ very good quality vanilla, so I will give it another go tonight).
The best thing about this one was that it lasted for DAYS without loosing any of its moistness so it gets serious bonus points for that... Keep ability definately counts!
Monday, 18 June 2007
The world of Blog (and cupcakes)
Yes... baking is a science... and mesing with the 'method' DOES have a significant impact!
As Monkey One kindly pointed out... "Mum, it's all part of your cupcake learning curve!"
But just to prove that it hasn't been all bad so far, here is one from the following batch...
Tonight I think we'll explore Chocolate a little further!